St. Alban's

St. Alban's
Catholic Academy

Our Lady Fatima

Breakfast and After School Clubs



(Not operating on Fridays)

Our After-School Club caters for children from Reception to Year 6. It is open daily during term time from 3.15pm — 5.30pm. 


The After School Club provides a safe, friendly and secure environment where a variety of activities are offered.  The activities are supervised and include indoor and outdoor games, art, crafts, drama, book corner and a quiet area for resting or homework. Children are allowed to choose from the planned activities available to them each day.


A snack will be provided between 3.45pm — 4.15pm, this will consist of sandwiches, fruit and vegetables. We feel it is important to offer the children a range of healthy well-balanced snacks. 


3.15pm — 4.15pm — £5.00    

3.15pm — 5.30pm — £10.00    

All bookings are charged from 3.15pm, if your child attends any other activities during After School Club, no reimbursement or credit will be given.

Booking for the After School Club

You must book a place for the After School Club. Places will be limited to 16 children. All places must be booked for in advance and must be done via Arbor. Payment will be required when booking. As there are limited spaces, bookings will be on a first come, first served basis.


Full session rates will apply if less than 24 hours notice is given

After School Club Late Collection

Collection after 5.30pm will be charged at £5.00 for each 10-minute period. This is due to the inconvenience caused to members of staff .