St. Alban's

St. Alban's
Catholic Academy

Our Lady Fatima

Welcome to Year 6


Welcome to Year 6!! 
I am so pleased to be teaching you this year and look forward to helping you grow as individuals before Secondary school next year.  We have lots to look forward to including PGL and activities week.  To find out more please explore the website and the welcome sway here.  I look forward to working with all of you over the coming year. 

The Year 6 Team

LSA's: Mrs Kent, Mrs McCarthy (Wednesday)

Class Teacher:  Mr Foster 

This terms Caritas Curriculum Learning

 Our topic explores the historical time of the two World Wars and how communities came together in the search for Peace. Our computing searching skills will be put to the test as we search for evidence from the past and begin to understand the way people lived and consider whether war really is justified. Through a closer look at maps in geography we will understand how borders can change in times of war and the impact on people’s communities. In art we will study how art can be used to spread a message and compare it to the use of propaganda used during times of war. During our science we will discover how sound travels to our ears and think about the impact of the sounds of war on the communities where people once lived. Of course, along the way we will read some fabulous books set in that time, explore some poetry of the battlefield and sing some war songs to lift our spirits and consider how music can make us happy including jazz a music form developed in the last century at the time of our study.  

autumn knowledge organiser 2024.pdf


Year 6 Caritas Learning Overview 




peace autumn 1 home learning activities.pdf


y6 weekly spelling lists autumn 1.pdf



 Year 6 P.E lessons are on Wednesdays and Fridays this half term.  Please ensure your child has their correct kit with them on these days.  All items should be clearly labelled. 

Other Helpful Hints


Please ensure that your child reads daily.  They should be reading a variety of fiction and non-fiction books.  It is important that they read to an adult/older sibling as often as possible.  Please ask your child questions about what they have read and encourage them to give opinions about the book.  Please make a note on the post-it notes provided to you when you have heard your child read and we will then make a note of this in their diary.


This term your child will bring home a list of Year 5 and 6 spelling words.  They will also need to know the year 3/4 spelling list confidently.  Encourage your child to practise these words as often as possible.

Walking home

If your child has permission to walk home on their own at the end of the school day it is essential that you provide written consent, which should be handed directly to the class teacher.  Children without written consent will not be given permission to walk home on their own.


Please be reminded that children are not to bring in party bags or sweets.  Instead we ask that a book is donated to our school/class library.

Home Learning

Please see this half terms home learning activities.  This should be uploaded on your notebook or completed in your home learning books, if you have any issues with this then please see Mr Foster.  Abacus activities should also be completed weekly along with spellings and daily reading.